4 Effective & Natural Ways to Get Rid of Period Cramps
I hate to be the bearer of gross news, but ladies, you likely have cramps for one very common reason: You’re constipated.
I hate to be the bearer of gross news, but ladies, you likely have cramps for one very common reason: You’re constipated.
You think a mental breakdown won’t happen to you, even if it’s happened many times before. You look at others around you, think, “I’ve had my shit together for years,” and that maybe you’re better than them?
When you choose to let go, the world stops And you know that, So that’s why you jumped Because you needed us, But we didn’t understand. Now we know, but you’re gone And your pain has scattered. Your monster […]
Thank you Rory for nominating me for your fun little game. Check out the original post here. Rules are at the bottom. If you’re looking for a classic TBA post, look elsewhere ‘cuz this ain’t it.
“Making kombucha is so easy!” the whole world exclaimed, as I received my first SCOBY in 2016. Maybe half-assed booch is easy. You can let it sit and become the vinegar dressing you’ve always wanted. Good kombucha is hard to […]
I was inspired by a fellow blogger I follow, Mental Health @ Home, to answer some of these questions. Lately, it’s been so difficult for me to find inspiration to write. I’m not sure why. I think my mind is […]
The past few years have been a bit rocky for me ever since the fluoroquinolone reaction nearly took my life. As someone who runs with new experiences and seeks to grow as quickly as possible, I was forced to take […]
One of the most annoying things in the world is dealing with vagina problems. For me, my vagina is the sole epicenter of my comfort/discomfort level and sometimes my mood. Anything can make your vagina become dry, which can lead […]
No one talks about how following your heart over your success-obsessed ego is really hard sometimes. Maybe I’m afraid to love again.
Since I started my hair growing journey (actually taking care of my hair and putting effort into it), it has been somewhat of a wild ride. I am still washing it the way I have been, but I’ve changed a […]