It’s Earth Day! or…. it was Earth Day yesterday. Today is actually my dad’s birthday and like everyone, he spends a lot of time on the toilet/has been digging this toilet paper. Happy 52nd birthday, Christian!
This post is a collaboration between Who Gives a Crap and The Barefoot Aya. I received toilet paper products for the purpose of this review. Click here to get a free trial while supplies last! Please note that most posts contain affiliate links. Please read the full disclosure at the end.
We use so much toilet paper.
Seriously, think about how much toilet paper you use in a day, especially if you’re a cis female. We use A LOT. Although we can’t really change how much toilet paper we use (unless you want a UTI), Who Gives a Crap seeks to change how toilet paper is made – by using recycled paper.
Why isn’t all toilet paper recycled?
I really don’t know. Why isn’t everything recycled? We have so much waste, especially plastic, that it makes sense to recycle literally everything. Maybe we’re not there yet, but we should at least begin to try.
Who Gives a Crap, officially started via a Kickstarter campaign, not only makes 100% recycled toilet paper, but 50% of their profits helps build toilets and improve sanitation in the developing world. After I endured my first squatty potty in Morocco (what if you miss?), I would be very happy to support this cause. Better sanitation = cleaner water.

I was interested in what Who Gives a Crap does to provide better sanitation, so I perused their Facebook page. As it turns out, Who Gives a Crap partners with Water Aid Australia, Shining Hope for Communities, and Lwala Community Alliance. You can check out their impact updates on their website! It includes a funny ticker for “Breaking News,” one of which is: “Study shows that dogs are 67% better than humans.” True.
I was so excited to read my new box of recycled toilet paper. It arrived so quickly and I wasn’t sure what to expect. When my box arrived, it came in a cardboard box with individually wrapped rolls and copywriting that made me feel good.

Each roll is hand-wrapped in stunning patterns, making storage a whole lot easier. If you only have open shelves to store stuff in your bathroom, or one of those TP holders, you don’t have to worry about uncovered rolls or unsightly logos everywhere. This toilet paper is easy on the eyes and it adds character to your bathroom!
No more leaky TP!
As for quality, this 3-ply toilet paper is incredibly soft and absorbent. I normally use this. It’s a super cheap toilet paper. I have no idea what’s in it (could be dyes, could be children’s tears… I really don’t know) and I use a lot of it. Who Gives a Crap is much better quality. I found myself using about 60% less toilet paper than I normally do and it absorbs very well. Their website says that their “3-ply is as soft as unicorn kisses and as strong as 1000 ponies.” I’ve never been kissed by a unicorn and I think 1000 ponies is a bit of an exaggeration, but overall, I agree. This TP is strong. I’m so used to using crappy toilet paper that I literally had to re-roll this toilet paper so I wouldn’t use too much.
Although I’m stuck to my toilet paper ways and usually go with the cheapest ones at the store, it does make sense to consider your impact. If your TP is made with fresh trees and weird chemicals, when you could purchase recycled toilet paper at about the same price, why wouldn’t you switch?
What’s great about Who Gives a Crap is that you can apply for a subscription box that gets delivered to your house. Instead of rushing to the store when you run out of TP, a box will be waiting for you at your front door! No more using napkins to wipe your bum in an emergency… let’s hope you don’t do that.
It’s also the only brand of toilet paper I know of that is completely plastic-free. Thank you, Who Gives a Crap, for all that you do and continue to do good in the world. I’m very grateful that there are companies who try to make a positive impact in the world.
I should also note that Who Gives a Crap not only makes toilet paper, but they also have recycled tissues, paper towels, and they have a fancy toilet paper for those of you who want the best for your booty. After trying out their 3-ply, I can say that their normal TP is pretty comfy and pretty great.
My dad says “It’s not bad” and my mom says “Tell them that the wrapping is really good.”

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Some of the links in this post are affiliated links and The Barefoot Aya may receive a percentage of the item purchased. This does not mean that any company supports The Barefoot Aya nor does it mean that I do not fully recommend these products. I would never link to a product unless I fully recommend it.
Related Content:
I Hoard Toilet Paper | A Child Of
Plastic Avoidance: Part 5 | Violet’s Vegan Comics
Thursday’s Special – Recycled | Bushboys World
The Art of Pooping | Zeckrombryan
Photo Credit: Michelle Polacinski