I Tried Washing My Hair With Bone Broth Because Why Not

I went to drink some bone broth, thinking it was still good, but when I opened the jar, it smelled rancid. What was I supposed to do?

It’s no longer 2012 and The Barefoot Aya is growing, so please note that most posts contain affiliate links. Please read the full disclosure at the end.

Whenever I first made bone broth to heal my damaged tendons, I drank it every single morning in my smoothie as the base. Yep, I used to put my homemade bone broth in my smoothies every single morning and no, it did not taste like turkey or venison. Whatever else you put in a bone broth smoothie will, I promise, usually override the taste of boiled bones.

Regardless, I used to finish bone broth very fast and I never had a problem with it expiring. I drank it so often that it didn’t have time to expire, so I enjoyed my newly white teeth and hair growth (yes, bone broth literally gave me new hair growth – like a little baby).

This time was a little different. I drink bone broth, but not as often. I knew I wouldn’t drink it every day, so I froze the leftovers in muffin tins:

I kept about 3 jars of liquid for every day drinking and drank it pretty regularly for the next few weeks. I went for the broth earlier this week to find that it had a slight rancid smell. There wasn’t any mold and it wasn’t exactly “bad” yet, but I didn’t want to continue drinking it. I also didn’t want it to go to waste.

I only had about half a jar of unfrozen broth left. Instead of reboiling it (which I didn’t think would help) or throwing it on the grass (still not sure if that would be good for the soil), I figured I would try to apply it topically on my hair.

I haven’t used shampoo for about 4 or 5 years now (I just checked. It has been 5 years). I know what you’re thinking: Michelle is the biggest hippie ever and there’s no backing out now. Listen, I could rant on and on about how I used to have super fine hair that would literally fall out in clumps during class because I used Pantene shampoo and conditioner every day (oh my god why), but that’s for a different post that I have already written.

When you use baking soda and vinegar as shampoo and conditioner, it’s very easy to experiment with other things, like honey, aritha (which is powdered African soapnut), and whatever else. Hence, bone broth.
I jumped in the shower with a cup full of bone broth and another cup full of white vinegar mix (my go-to rinse). Considering it smelled a little bit, I wanted to make sure I had a powerful rinse.

Once I started pouring the stuff on my hair, I questioned whether I was truly insane. This is 100% not vegan at all (not that I’ve ever been vegan). This is weird. This is definitely very weird. I started at the scalp and then massaged the leftover broth through my hair, ending with that white vinegar rinse and a bunch of very hot water. I was very careful not to let any of the broth in my mouth and…. it was very weird to have it run over my face.

I will admit that my hair felt very soft when using the bone broth, but it also always feels soft after I use white vinegar. I will keep track of my hair for the next few days and report back next week on how I feel about this new experiment. Crossing my fingers for faster hair growth!

Learn more about how bone broth makes your hair grow and make your own with my recipe here.

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Some of the links in this post are affiliated links and The Barefoot Aya may receive a percentage of the item purchased. This does not mean that any company supports The Barefoot Aya nor does it mean that I do not fully recommend these products. I would never link to a product unless I fully recommend it.
Related Content:
No Poo For You! | The Barefoot Aya
How I Pre-Pooed With Aloe Vera | PRIBODUNKE
Hair Care Routine: Zero Waste Edition | To Universe, With Love
Photo Credit: Moi


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